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  • AGI, Personal Branding and The Limitless Power of Physics

AGI, Personal Branding and The Limitless Power of Physics

The Weekly Variable

The Weekly Variable

Each week I’ll have a curated list of links from the latest tech to just interesting reads or videos, as well as updates on my own entrepreneurial endeavors. Thanks for joining on this journey!

Topics for this week:

jaypeters.dev - New and Improved

The original version of jaypeters.dev was my first attempt at building a website with Webflow, and the result was usable, but not great. Having since gotten some practice using the Relume library for Webflow, I went back and rebuilt jaypeters.dev with Relume components and the result is much cleaner. I published the new version on Monday of this week, so check it out if you get the chance and let me know what you think!


Like everyone else, I’ve kicked around the idea of starting a podcast, and this week I did some light research.

It’s no secret that I’m a heavy YouTube consumer, so naturally my first thought was a video podcast format published to YouTube and then other platforms. Think Media’s channel is a great source for YouTube advice, and unsurprisingly I found a short and useful podcast tutorial there.

They recommend using Adobe Premiere Pro because it has a plugin called AutoPod. After installing the plugin and importing the video sources, you give AutoPod some settings for how you want the podcast to be edited, and it cuts the entire video for you, switching back and forth between speakers automatically.

Combine that with something like StreamYard which allows you to record locally for multiple speakers, meaning each person connected to the stream is recorded individually, and now you have separate videos of each person that AutoPod can switch between.

The process sounds almost too good to be true, so I’m anxious to try it out. The magic of AI ceases to amaze. You can watch the full example below:

AGI Pieces

Wes Roth has quickly become one of my go to sources for AI news. He’s on top of the latest updates and does a great job covering what happened and what it could possibly mean.

This latest video ventures more into the possible meaning territory by exploring where AI could be headed soon.

AI is short for Artificial Intelligence, and that used to mean an entity that could think or act like a human, but the definition continues to expand as more discoveries are made, and like anything else, it turns out it’s not so simple to define the concept in one word. Artificial General Intelligence has been the newer term for a human-like intelligent entity, but even that term is up for debate.

Wes’s video covers some of the more specific definitions supplied by Google, while also connecting these definitions with the idea that nearly all of the pieces are there for an AGI entity. It can read, it can write, it can interpret images and video, it can speak. And this latest video model Sora may be helping OpenAI’s model to understand physics, so it could also understand how things work in the world.

It reminds me of what Marc Andreessen pointed out a little while ago that we basically have all the parts for a general purpose robot, a physical body controlled by an entity that can move around and interact with the real world.

It’s an interesting rabbit hole to dive into, and will be truly fascinating to see where we are in just a few years with the current rate of progress. The video, and this explanation, are more esoteric, but worth considering if you have the time. Wes’s video below:

Building a Personal Brand

Can’t go wrong with some knowledge bombs from Alex Hormozi, and in this latest video he does not disappoint. He’s covered quite a few of these concepts before but one particular line about Taylor Swift stuck with me, saying that Swift has gained more popularity in the last 12 months, then the last 24 years she’s been a musician. It would make sense, that’s what compounding will do over all that time, but still crazy to think about.

The rest of the video covers similar principles about the Rock, Mr. Beast, Joe Rogan, and Kylie Jenner. The more people that know about you, the bigger the brand, the more the sales. Simple in theory but not easy in practice.

The Limitless Power of Physics

I’m not so much interested in the Epstein and political talk that lead to this conversation, I’m sure at some point I’ll switch gears and become more interested in politics, it seems to be inevitable with age, but bring up deep physics, and I’m sold. I really respect Eric Weinstein’s mathematical mind, and as dramatic as some of it sounds, I happen to agree with what he has to say about the limitless power of physics. There’s plenty left undiscovered, and it’s been decades since a major physical breakthrough like nuclear fission. What other awesome powers are hiding in the dark? How could you not be interested in that?

Eric and Chris have a great chat, with Eric putting Chris on the hot-seat, which Eric admits he enjoys doing, to have Chris makes some guesses about the nature of reality, but it’s interesting to hear the response of someone deep in the world of theoretical physics with their own novel mathematical model of how everything works. I still need to do some research on that

Heavy politics and hard stances in the full video but worth a full listen if you have 3 hours to spare!

And that’s it for this week! This has unofficially become a newsletter about AI and physics… and some business.

Those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse into what I personally worked on.

If you want to start a newsletter like this on beehiiv and support me in the process, here’s my referral link: https://www.beehiiv.com/?via=jay-peters. Otherwise, let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected], I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks for reading!