Massive Transformative Purpose

A combination of powerful elements

I don't want this to end up being a Quantum Computing blog (though that may be in the future...) but I do want to explore some ideas surrounding the subject since I introduced it. Plus, I want to continue the trend of wild phrases and dense topics.

I seriously considered dedicating to the field of Artificial Intelligence as well. It's another topic that's swirled in my brain for a long time. Years ago, I can recall researching AI on Wikipedia, stumbling on to articles about the Turing Test and the debate of the distinction between Artificial Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence. I have to agree that we're not there yet in terms of AGI, but it is feeling much closer with the advent of GPT and the like.

Oddly enough, the math for artificial intelligence was too unapproachable for me. Neural Nets (I'm just going to link to this video about a neural net learning to play Super Mario here because it's magical) made sense as a foundation for how to build a brain, but beyond that, I had a hard time conceptualizing the leap from computer program to human-like machine. Regardless, that idea was also captivating, and now a reality in many respects.

When ChatGPT went public, I was thrilled. I'm pretty sure I signed up within the first 24 hours of its release. I had run across a handful of articles a few months prior, when demos of the gpt-3 API were starting to circulate, along with early demos of Copilot, so there were hints of something groundbreaking was on the horizon.

We're still in the height of AI as I write this, not even a year out from ChatGPT's unveiling, with new start ups raising millions in funding every other day for some specific, AI-backed, use case.

But my favorite and most outlandish AI claim I've heard so far came from Tom Bilyeu's podcast with Peter Diamandis and Salim Ismail. A paraphrased takeaway: 57 years ago, it took 10000 people to create a billion dollar company, Instagram dropped that count to 13 people, and with AI, it will only take 3 people.

I'm completely on board with that thinking, or at least the spirit of the message. AI tools will allow for hyperproductivity at levels we've never seen before. Through that, I believe incredible things can be achieved by a very small group, previously unimaginable. My goal is not to spawn a billion dollar company, but AI tools will undoubtedly enhance my own progress, and potentially a small team in the future.

Quantum Computing is a rapidly evolving field of technology, and if I can have an AI assistant, or multiple, at my side to digest the latest research papers and help me understand and stay up to date on the subject, that will drastically improve my chances of success.

So I'm all in on the AI approach. And needless to say, I don't believe AI will kill us. Looking forward to diving into that more later.

Another highlight from that particular podcast, and consequently the topic of this post: Massive Transformative Purpose.

Diamandis and Ismail dive into their concept of an Exponential Organization, a business capable of rapidly scaling to a billion dollar valuation, which I'm not interested in at this point, but I'll remain open to in the future. They propose the only way to an Exponential Organization is to establish a Massive Transformative Purpose for the company, a uniting principle that all members can align on with one clear, unmistakable and relatable goal.

They have a book on it that I have yet to read, but it's on my list: "Exponential Organizations 2.0: The New Playbook for 10x Growth and Impact" ¹

The beauty of the MTP is how they explain working toward a goal, and if it's achieved, even if it's not by you, you celebrate it, and pick a new MTP. It's something you feel strongly that needs to happen, regardless how it happens.

That is the approach I'll be taking with Quantum Computing. I just want to see Quantum Computing available to the world to solve problems that can't currently be solved. I don't have to be the one that brings Quantum Computing to general use, but I'll be there to celebrate.

Massive Transformative Purpose: See Quantum Computing begin to solve previously incalculable real-world problems

And then we'll see what happens when someone figures out how to combine AI with Quantum processing. But that will be fun to explore another time.

Thanks for sticking with me and let me know what you think @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected]!