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  • There's Too Much Content To Consume and Other Content

There's Too Much Content To Consume and Other Content

The Weekly Variable

Every week I’ll dive into a curated list of links from the latest tech to just interesting reads, as well as updates on my latest entrepreneurial endeavors. Thanks for joining on this journey!

Topics for this week:

  • Loom

  • Content Curators

  • Self Education with AI

  • Imaginary Numbers

  • Coaching


I’ve run across Loom a few times now, but recently I’ve been inspired to try it out. This week I ended up diving into Tim Ferriss content (more on that later) and the almighty algorithms picked up on that trend and served me this video of Tim Ferris interviewing Sam Corcos. Sam talks about how his company uses Loom in some interesting and useful ways, like using it for code explanation or simple how to walkthroughs. Basically they use Loom more as a documentation tool rather than just a meeting recording tool. The documentation idea makes a lot of sense to me, but it’s worth listening to the full video for the full explanation if you have the time (15 minutes).

Content Curators

Spoiled this one already, but I dove into Tim Ferriss content this week. I’ve been enjoying Colin and Samir’s channel for a few months now, and so I ended up watching their interview with Tim, and really enjoyed it. The one part that stuck out for me was Tim talking about the need for content curators. There’s so much content being produced on a daily basis, it’s impossible to keep up. Because of that, people might benefit from having a curator sort through portions of content and highlight the videos, articles, books and podcasts that are worth the time investment. Like maybe a newsletter that you’re reading right now 🤔

Tim explains it much better then I can, and Colin and Samir do an excellent job facilitating the conversation so it's worth the 2 hours if you have the time for the full podcast.

Self Education with AI

I mentioned last week that I began an exploration of HTMX and GO and I doubled down on that effort this week. I took a new approach that I’ve heard in theory, but it was my first time to really put into practice.

I gave ChatGPT this prompt: “can you give me 10 simple projects to practice building sites using the stack of go, htmx and tailwindcss?” Below is the response:

So far this week I’ve only gotten through 1. on the list, but ChatGPT continues to prove how unbelievably useful it is. I have an ongoing conversation with ChatGPT in that thread, helping write and debug code to get the practice app working.

If you’re looking to learn something new, ChatGPT can be an invaluable teacher in basically anything you could ever hope to learn. Can’t recommend it enough.

Imaginary Numbers

This one is for the math nerds, if math is not your thing, feel free to scroll past this one.

I’ve been brushing up on some math and remembered that imaginary numbers were a scary concept, mostly because I didn’t have a good understanding of the concept. Turns out the name is really a misleading misnomer that just ended up sticking.

Jumping links through Google searches for a bit, I landed on this article that explains imaginary numbers in a much more digestible light, though it’s not a quick digestion. It is a masterpiece in breaking down something complicated and scary into something somewhat approachable, for me anyway.

And for those of you that would rather consume the idea in a well edited video with a more personal history of how imaginary numbers got a bad rap, Veritasium comes through as always:


Peeling back the veil, I ran across a video from Ed and his channel Creator Booth, and his presentation really showed me a path forward for an idea I had been considering.

Coaching seems like a channel that I could provide specific value to others so I’d like to implement a process similar to what Ed highlights in the video below. The title is a bit click-baity, but that is the way of YouTube right now unfortunately, but the explanation seems solid.

Additionally, if you would be interested in software engineering or career coaching, let me know @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected]!

And that’s it for this week! Three newsletters down, we’re on a roll! Those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse in what I personally worked on.

If you want to start a newsletter like this on beehiiv and support me in the process, here’s my referral link: https://www.beehiiv.com/?via=jay-peters. Otherwise, let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected] and thanks for reading! 3