The Digital Digest

The Weekly Variable

Every week I’ll dive into a curated list of links from the latest tech to just interesting reads, as well as updates on my latest entrepreneurial endeavors. Thanks for joining on this journey!

Topics for this week:


  • Build an Entire AI Agent Workforce

  • AI and the Future of Hollywood

  • Go and HTMX

  • ChatGPT Can Talk Now

Starting off on a more personal note, may be a key component to my future business plans. It’s a startup acquisition site where you can buy or sell a startup company. I was heavily debating the prospect this week and it may still be in the cards.

Rather than building something from scratch, I could find something that’s already built, has customers and may even be making a little money (depending on how much I’m willing to throw down). It would be a nice boost to jump into something with some momentum. On the other hand, it could also be a huge undertaking, diving in where someone has left off.

Conversely, getting a side project started and listing it for a chunk of change is an attractive option as well. That may be more what I’ll aim for first.

I heard about a few months ago, but recently it’s proving more relevant, or their marketing is working on me. No affiliate link (yet), just a normal link.

Build an Entire AI Agent Workforce

This may be a glimpse into the future. I wrote about this in an abstract way in this post, but this video is a little easier to understand. The basic premise is rather than just use one AI like a single conversation with ChatGPT, have an entire team of AI’s with their own individual focus cooperate together to accomplish a shared goal.

This example is for game development. A team of AI agents with different roles like Programmers, CTO, Designer and Reviewer work together, as though they were a team at a video game company developing a simple game. And it actually works! There’s several examples of games this model was able to create including PingPong, A Maze Generator, and a Flappy Bird knock off. Truly incredible. Here’s the link for the project’s website:

And below is an 8 minute video walking through the project and examples in more detail.

AI and the Future of Hollywood

Regardless of the title, this podcast has some AI gems, not just about Hollywood. Clearly I’m biased that AI is not going to destroy the world. Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz seem to feel the same way, making some great points toward the possible future where AI is helping humans, not trying to get rid of them.

A couple points that stuck with me:

  • Marc highlights that historically, “handmade” becomes a quality of luxury goods when technology democratizes that good. Movies made the old fashioned way won’t go away, though they may be outpaced by mass produced AI movies, there will still be demand for human made movies and the great film makers will only be empowered to make better movies with or without AI.

  • Ben identifies that humans love watching other humans do things. Cheetahs run much faster than humans, yet we’re much more interested in humans racing other humans. As long as humans are involved in the process, we’ll naturally be more intrigued.

It’s a longer podcast, but worth a listen if you have the time!

Go and HTMX

I have to have some sort of software stuff in here so this week I went through a quick programming tutorial on creating a basic website with Golang and HTMX. Golang or “Go” is a powerful programming language for the backend of applications, specially on the web, and has been around for 13 years now, which is hard to believe.

However, Go is not great for the front end. HTMX is a relatively new project that attempts to handle passing data from the backend, the Go part, to the front end web page like you’re seeing right now. HTMX improves upon HTML by including some straightforward JavaScript to enhance it without needing some of the bloated, popular JS frameworks that are very common these days. If you’re feeling adventurous for some new dev work, I highly recommend this tutorial!

ChatGPT Can Talk Now

Ending on a lighter note, and yes, more AI! I’ve been thinking about this one for the last few weeks. The personal assistant version of AI seems incredibly useful and this is a big step toward that.

If you have a paid version of ChatGPT, you can now talk to it, which you could do before, but now it can talk back to you! With some hacking or extra apps it could have spoken before now, but with this update, the entire conversation can take place in the ChatGPT app, which is very convenient.

One of my ongoing goals is to leverage AI as much as possible so this makes that goal much easier.

And that’s it for this week! I promise this isn’t just another AI newsletter, but unfortunately that’s the current trend. And AI is fascinating. But, those are some of the tech topics that stuck with me throughout the week or I personally worked on. Let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected] and thanks for reading!