Overconsuming, AI Pipelines, and an AI Friend

The Weekly Variable

The Weekly Variable

Divs Digital returns, Deep 30 evolves, and there’s too many newsletters so thank you for reading this one! Oh, and theres’s some AI too.

Let’s get into this week:


Last week I had a conversation with a potential client looking for a new website.

They weren’t looking for an elaborate design service like divs.design, but a simple website redesign with a maintenance plan.

Luckily I had a rough version of divs.digital already setup for such a need, having learned that lesson after my first client.

Not all businesses are looking for the extravagant $3000+ per month design service that’s so popular on X.com right now.

I was struggling with that when I first created the website for Divs Design because I was trying to force 2 different things together.

I wanted to prioritize the SEO phrase “web design packages” on divs.design, but when I would look at the competing websites for that term, they looked nothing like the web design service I was trying to build.

And when I would look at the websites for high-end web design services, they didn’t seem to prioritize SEO at all.

And now I know why.

You have to know your customer and where to find them.

Customers looking for high-end design services aren’t going to be Googling around to find it so SEO isn’t the best strategy for that type of customer. That customer will be asking their network for a good design service, or they’d spot one while scrolling social media.

I didn’t see it at the time, but I’m glad that I had that realization. I now understand the difference between divs.digital and divs.design and know when to deploy either one and have an idea of how to find customers for each going forward.

Now the only challenge is deciding which one to focus on…

Deep Academy

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve mentioned Deep 30, but it’s been slowly evolving.

Deep 30 turned into Starter Story Academy, becoming more than an accountability group, but expanding to include courses and live calls to help with ideas and coaching to build whatever business you’re trying to start.

I’ve participated in each monthly session since March, but this may be the first one that I skip, but for personal reasons.

The accountability aspect has been really helpful. There’s been plenty of times that I made sure to get a deep work session in when I otherwise would have found a lame excuse not to.

Recently though, I’ve been debating if I have too many sources of inspiration, and since Starter Story Academy is shifting to focus on other aspects of business building, I’m not looking to get into at this point. I’m thinking I’ll avoid a situation where I’ll be tempted to take on a new distraction.

I’ve really appreciated the dedicated deep focus work time that Deep 30 encouraged and I would still highly recommend joining for anyone that’s interested. I’ll just be taking a break this month, but implementing my own deep work schedule instead.

Best of luck to my fellow Starter Story Academy members, though. Many quick returns and high MMRs this month!


As I mentioned above, I’ve been wondering if I’m still consuming too much content.

There are too many good ideas out there that are interesting to me and I haven’t made the progress I’d like to make, so time to get stricter with my sources of information.

This week I unsubscribed to a number of newsletters from people I’ve mentioned in this newsletter many times, including Sahil Bloom, Justin Welsh, and Dan Koe.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed their content, and I think they are full of great advice and inspiration, but my cup is getting full at this point so it’s time narrow focus.

I’m sure I’ll resubscribe in the near future, but for now the empty inbox has been surprisingly relieving.

Would highly recommend evaluating your inbox if it’s been feeling a little bloated and overwhelming lately.

I haven’t cut back on podcasts yet, but I’m sure they will be next on the list…

AI Pipeline Prototype

I keep coming back to the idea of an AI pipeline, but it’s more of a foundation of tools to rapidly prototype apps using and integrating AI and other services, with a scalable infrastructure already in place.

Really this has been a nice excuse to learn kubernetes.

I’ve been interested in scalable infrastructure for a while and it lends itself well to AI.

It’ll be a long road, kubernetes is pretty complicated but with a little help, I’ve been able to get another simple AI app up and running similar to my adventure with Sonnet 3.5.

More to come on this exploration, but it’s the main idea I’ve been focusing on while I cut out other sources of distractions. I’ll share a link when I have something sharable soon!

AI Friend

I remember seeing this device a little while ago on Twitter, but it’s since pivoted in an unexpected direction.

They went with a unique twist on the idea of an AI assistant, going for a full AI friend instead.

Friend is a device that listens to everything that’s going on and offers opinions randomly or when prompted.

I could see it working surprisingly well as an infinitely patient friend that listens to whatever you want to talk about.

The video feels a little dystopian but I’ll be curious to see how it does when it releases.

Looks like you can pre-order it now and should be able to get your hands on it early 2025 if you’re in the market for a digital buddy.

And that’s it for this week! Another newsletter all about the future: streaming, AI, crypto and divs.

Those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse into what I personally worked on.

If you want to start a newsletter like this on beehiiv and support me in the process, here’s my referral link: https://www.beehiiv.com/?via=jay-peters. Otherwise, let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected], I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks for reading!