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  • Podcast Pipelines, More Millions, and Simple Sales

Podcast Pipelines, More Millions, and Simple Sales

The Weekly Variable

The Weekly Variable

The week goes by too fast right now. So much to do and so little time. No major events this week, but still plenty to talk about/watch/listen to so let’s get to it.

Topics for this week:

May’s Deep30

With April’s Deep30 concluding as a huge success, the pressure is on for May. I committed to a goal of increasing revenue by $945, but that may be a little aggressive, which I guess is kind of the point of a Big Hairy Audacious Goal or BHAG as Deep30 used to be called.

At this point I’d rather build the clientele up instead of focus on making more money, and after a few successful cases, I should be able to land more clients in my price-range, especially if I can do a good enough job for my current client to recommend me some more business.

As an insurance policy to landing those bigger clients, I joined a design community called DesignSpo after watching a handful of their videos on YouTube, and it has been a fantastic experience so far. George responded right away and has already provided feedback on two of my websites, including improvements to divs.design. Super helpful to have direct input from someone with professional design experience.

Deep30 will be a balance of making strategic design updates and working on the current client site, but either way, I’m anticipating another successful month. But that’s enough about me…

Podcast Pipeline

Just kidding, one more thing about me! We finally recorded another episode of The Dev Sync last night after a brief two week hiatus, but unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to get it edited, otherwise I’d have a link here.

Despite the break in uploads, The Dev Sync has 6 subscribers and 50+ views! Not a bad start for post-and-ghosting. In an effort to grow the viewership though, I’ve been on the lookout for ways to automatically repurpose our episodes into smaller videos and other social media posts. And this week, I might have found the first answer.

YouTube has picked up on my interest for AI automation and recommended this video by Jack Roberts on creating a YouTube scraper. In it, he does a great job explaining how it works and walks through each step of how to recreate the system using Make.com, ChatGPT, and a few other tools.

This is exactly what I was looking for. I was already relying on YouTube to transcribe the podcast for me, and this will take it a step further by reading that transcription and pulling out content that could be repurposed for other platforms.

I didn’t get a chance to set up the system yet, but I’m looking forward to trying it out this weekend. It would be too convenient to only have to worry about getting the podcast to YouTube and letting an AI system handle the rest of the marketing. I’ll be sure to come back with updates on how it goes, but let me know if you have any questions or want some help trying it out yourself!

More Million Dollar Apps

This one blew my mind this week. Two viral apps on track to make millions.

My First Million talked about a trending app called Umax that’s supposedly making millions right now. It uses AI to evaluate your selfies and give you tips on how to improve your overall appearance based on recommendations from subreddits like LooksMaxingAdvice and MaleGrooming.

Another app they covered that’s currently making $250k a month is called Splashin which helps manage a “water assassin” game that’s gotten popular in school again. Players are given different targets and have to sneak up and shoot their target with a water gun while also trying to avoid being shot themselves.

These are just 2 examples of capitalizing on a trend, but it just goes to show, the right timing and a little luck can potentially payoff hugely. With the help of no-code tools and AI, stories like these are going to become more common as the time to build apps only get shorter.

Obviously can’t expect to hit those numbers on the first try, if ever, but you never know if you don’t try! Regardless, it’s always fun to hear about “overnight success”. You can hear more about it here:

Super Simple Sales

I love the upfront and honest approach to sales in this video from Creator Booth with Charlie Morgan.

I’ve actually caught one of Charlie’s videos before during my regular YouTube surfing, so I somewhat recognized him, but I may be binge-watching his content very soon after his chat with Ed. Their interview was incredibly valuable if not for just the last few minutes of the video.

Toward the end of the conversation, Ed asks Charlie what he would do to start over, and mentions he’d love to watch Charlie cold call someone, so Charlie asks “should we do it?” He then proceeds to find a few prospects online and cold call them right there.

I really enjoyed his tactic of opening with honesty. “You’re going to hate me I’m actually a sales person.” And he then leaves it up to them if they have time to listen or not.

That’s an idea I’ve only recently heard that just makes sense. No need to bully someone into buying, there’s so many other prospects out there that are looking to buy and don’t need to be convinced, the only tricky part is finding them.

Charlie explains that his strategy developed after cold calling all day, everyday for more than a year, but he found the honesty really helped him have more success with his sales.

The last few minutes of the video are great, but if you have the time, the full video is worth a watch as well:

Gary and Chris

Gary Vee and Chris Williamson are regular references for this newsletter so obviously I was not going to miss this one, especially since I think it’s the first time they’ve been in a podcast together. My podcast map idea is becoming ever more tangled.

Gary really is a pro at motivating you to push past your own fear and just talk about your passions. He’s a big reason why I started posting anything online at all, because he changed my outlook on social media.

I used to see at it as a net negative, but he helped point out that social media is just a tool that helps you find whatever you’re looking for. If you’re looking for negative, you’ll find negative, but if you’re looking for positive, there’s plenty of that too.

His conversation with Chris is a long one, but full of the usual Gary Vee value. If you have nearly 2 hours, it’s worth the time:

And that’s it for this week! I need to get a count going but we’re getting up there in newsletters! More podcasts, pipelines, apps and sales.

Those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse into what I personally worked on.

If you want to start a newsletter like this on beehiiv and support me in the process, here’s my referral link: https://www.beehiiv.com/?via=jay-peters. Otherwise, let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected], I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks for reading!