Side Projects, Checkboxes, and Money Models

The Weekly Variable

The Weekly Variable

Been under the weather this week, so I primarily played video games and watched less technical content, but I did hit a decent milestone before I went into hibernation, and I also managed to find a few interesting ideas to talk about despite being a bum the last few days.

Here’s a preview:

divs side project

No major updates in terms of business for the divs brand, but my secret project is making progress.

I’ve been exploring an AI pipeline concept, which right now has been experimenting with the idea of being able to chat will all the AIs I use in one interface.

Poe seems to be about the only service I’ve seen that attempts to let you use different AI services in one app, but I haven’t seen too many other apps offering that ability.

The first major hurdle with this idea, though, is the cost.

You have to have active subscriptions to all of the AIs that you want to chat with so it can be a little pricey if you’re talking to multiple models at the same time.

Right now I have connections to GPT-4o, Perplexity (which is actually llama-3), and Claude Sonnet 3.5 all in the same interface.

Each of those API connections is $20 a month so it’s not a cheap process, but it’s pretty cool to be able to chat with each one at the same time in the same screen.

Ideally I’d like to get to a super powered version of something like AutoGen or another Agent focused platform, but have it connected to something as simple as a Slack channel so I can talk to all of them at once.

There’s a few more tools I’d like to connect them up to first, but seeing all of them working together at the same time was a nice milestone.

More work to be done, but it’s been fun to explore so far.

It’s not ready for the public either, so that will be a goal as well, but for now you’ll just have to trust me.

I’ll provide a link to an example as soon as I can.

One Million Checkboxes

This video showcases a shining example of working on a project for fun, not profit.

A developer decided to create a website with 1,000,000 checkboxes and make it publicly available so that anyone could go on the site and check or uncheck any of the boxes as they pleased.

Unfortunately he took the site down, but it’s a weird and fun idea, and it went viral surprisingly quickly.

The developer of the site wrote an article detailing the process of creating the site and how he dealt with all of the issues he ran into as the traffic unexpectedly ramped up.

Twitch and YouTube streamer ThePrimeagen reads and comments his way through the article providing some entertaining insights on what was right and wrong in the development process.

It’s deep in the technical but Primeagen does a great job staying high energy and keeping it engaging.

Worth a watch to see how something that sounds relatively simple could quickly become incredibly complicated.

$100M Money Models

I’m starting to recognize some of the patterns.

Alex Hormozi made a guest appearance on the My First Million podcast, which he’s been on a few times before, so that’s not a surprise.

But I was wondering why he decided go back on there now.

Alex is pretty tactical with all of his actions, so I’m going to bet he’ll be announcing his new $100M Money Models book soon.

He’s teased it in the past, saying it was almost done, and he had the book cover in the background of a video recently, so I would guess he’s starting the podcast circuit to build hype for the launch in the near future.

If he shows up on Chris Williamson’s podcast soon, that would pretty much confirm the new book launch.

I really need to get that podcast map created to show all of these connections, it’d be great to see who goes on what podcasts.

For this particular episode, though, Alex recounts the tale of going broke twice, which is still insane to listen to, but I personally enjoyed him getting into the concept of founder return on equity, and how he’s been able to get most of the founders he’s invested a 13x return on their investment in the business, which is kind of mind-blowing.

1300% is considerably more than the average 7% you could be expecting from the stock market.

I’ll let Alex get into all of that below, and I’ll keep an eye out for his Money Models announcement soon…

AI, Tech Billionaires, and Cheap Drugs

It’s no secret that I appreciate the grounded nature of Mark Cuban (doesn’t hurt that he went to school in Indiana, even it was IU).

I’ve been watching Jon Stewart here and there, now that he’s back on The Daily Show occasionally (and they upload his segments to YouTube) so I was curious to see where Jon and Mark’s conversation would go since Jon’s anti-AI and Mark seems pro-AI.

They didn’t get too deep into unfortunately, but Mark did express his concern that Silicon Valley is trying too hard to control AI and AI regulation by throwing tons of money around politically.

Mark said he doesn’t really want to get into that fight because he doesn’t know AI as well, so he’s sticking with healthcare and his CostPlugDrugs company instead, which seems like a good call.

He’s truly disrupting an industry that has gotten a little too deep into their own incentive motivations.

It’s a good chat and not a huge commitment at only 25 minutes!

Perception vs. Perspective

And finally, Andrew Bustamante is back to talk about Perception vs. Perspective with Steven Bartlett.

Andrew is always interesting to listen to and this talk is no different.

Admittedly I haven’t gotten through the entire conversation, still working on this episode, but it’s been entertaining so far, as Andrew tries to explain to Steven how someone could practice his concept of “perspective” or learning to look at something from someone else’s perception.

It’s a long conversation but it usually goes quickly with these two, so the full, nearly 3 hour podcast is below if you’re up for changing your perspective!

And that’s it for this week! A quieter one for me, but still managed to tackle a development milestone, as well as keep tabs on AI, website scaling, cheap drugs, and changing perspective.

Those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse into what I personally worked on.

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