Products, Services, and Productized Services

The Weekly Variable

The Weekly Variable

Each week I’ll have a curated list of links from the latest tech to just interesting reads or videos, as well as updates on my own entrepreneurial endeavors. Thanks for joining on this journey!

Topics for this week:


Last week I laid out a number of examples for the Productized Service Agency model and this week I began my first steps towards starting my own:

Honestly I was surprised that url was still available and wasn’t over $1000. For now it houses a simple landing page but soon it will look similar to the many examples I listed last week. I’m excited to get to work, and if you happen to be in the market for a professional looking landing page, let me know! I’ll be working for 5 star reviews for now, but prices will eventually go up.

$1.8 Million Solopreneur

Coincidentally timed on this one, another video posted this week from Starter Story recapping the primary example of a super successful Productized Service business with Brett’s story of DesignJoy. He seems to be the shining example of this model, and with good reason. Recap below:

The Agency to Micro-Saas Model

I’m going to take it as a good sign that I had already landed on these two approaches as how I wanted to proceed with my entrepreneurial adventure, but this helped me make the decision of prioritizing one over the other. Another Brett I’ve been following published this video earlier this week discussing his strategy of operating a No-Code Development agency on the front-end and using that to fund a Micro-Saas. I was debating which to work on first and I think he’s on to something. Realistically it’s much quicker to make money from the Agency first, then funnel some of that profit into the Mirco-Saas, so I’ll be copying this idea as well. Full explanation below:

HTMX in Webflow

On the more technical side, I’ve been keeping an eye on the HTMX project for a little while now. I really like the concept behind the library and it seems to be gaining in popularity. I saw a post yesterday that combined HTMX with my other recent focus, Webflow, which is what I’ve been using to build I hadn’t even considered combining the two technologies but that may unlock some very cool customization capabilities. A simple example of using HTMX to add some custom tab functionality in Webflow is below:

Games Done Quick

And finally, a fun one this week. Twice per year Games Done Quick does a full week marathon, 24 hours a day from Sunday to Saturday to raise money for a good cause, this time being The Prevent Cancer Foundation. During this marathon, speed runners showcase beating all kinds of video games, new and old, as quickly as possible, whether through skill or by completely glitching the game out. It’s well worth watching a speed run of a game you recognize to see how amazing some of these runs can be, squashing a game that’s supposed to take hours to complete down to a matter of minutes.

While these demos are going on, viewers submit donations toward the cause, with the last few marathons raising at least $1 to $2 million each. The current marathon is already well over $1 million.

The live stream ends tomorrow night, but all of the individual runs are uploaded to the Games Done Quick YouTube channel.

And that’s it for this week! Another newsletter all about the new trend, Productized Services. Time to hop on the train!

Those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse into what I personally worked on.

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