Apps, Games and Content

The Weekly Variable

Every week I’ll dive into a curated list of links from the latest tech to just interesting reads, as well as updates on my latest entrepreneurial endeavors. Thanks for joining on this journey!

Topics for this week:

  • Automated Content Pipeline

  • GTA VI

  • Tech Recap for 2024

  • Hub and Spoke Model

  • App Preview

Automated Content Pipeline

Earlier this week, I posted steps for creating a simple automated content pipeline that would take your updates in Notion and post/tweet them out automatically. The goal for this is to make it easier to post without having to log into multiple apps. If you’re already using Notion for note taking, you can put your updates in your content database and they’ll automatically get queued up to post later. I’m a big fan of removing friction and this seemed like an easy way to do that:


This one’s kind of a big deal in gaming. The trailer for GTA VI was released this week, announcing it’s planned launch for 2025. GTA V released over 10 years ago and is still one of the top played games right now. GTA V cost over $200 million to produce, but made $800 million in the first day of sales, and set 6 world records when it came out.

More than 10 years later, I would bet production costs are closer to $1 billion for GTA VI, but sales will more than likely recoup that cost quickly after it’s released. Expectations are growing for this highly anticipated sequel to perform just as well, and it will be all over the internet as we get closer to it’s debut in 2025. Trailer below:

Tech Recap for 2024

Last week, I mentioned Fireship’s recap of one current trend in AI. As we approach the end of the year, this week he’s recapped a quick and entertaining summary of the tech trends of 2023. This is from a developer’s perspective so it may be a little technical for some, but it’s worth watching if you have 9 minutes to spare.

Hub and Spoke Model

Justin Welsh is still an up and coming leader in the world of newsletters and the social media game. I ran across this free post of his, explaining his Hub and Spoke strategy for his newsletter system that he’s been quite successful with over the last year. I’d like to implement something similar for a more professional newsletter separate from this one.

Essentially the newsletter is the heart of the system, or the Hub and you create Spokes of content based on different topics within the newsletter. These Spokes are posted on social media to build interest to the newsletter itself.

Full details in the post below:

App Preview

For my personal work, I started a prototype for an app idea that ChatGPT called “Text2Reel.” I wanted to create GIFs with custom messages to use for posting on social media, but I wasn’t having much luck finding what I was looking for, or at least finding a simple, straight forward tool for it. So I started building one of my own.

The prototype doesn’t actually work yet, no saving or downloading. I mostly just wanted to demonstrate the concept of the custom typewriter effect, but I’m looking forward to having a fully functioning beta in the next few weeks. The preview app link will be below, so let me know what you think!

And that’s it for this week! Only a few weeks and newsletters left for the year! In the meantime, those are the links that stuck with me throughout the week and a glimpse into what I personally worked on.

If you want to start a newsletter like this on beehiiv and support me in the process, here’s my referral link: Otherwise, let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected] and thanks for reading!