Content Streams, Branding and Callings

The Weekly Variable

The Weekly Variable

Issue 50!

Changing it up for the 50th issue. I glanced through all of the previous newsletters and picked out the ideas I still think about after almost a full year.

AI Pipelines

I’ve danced around the AI pipeline idea from the beginning.

In the first newsletter I wrote, before I had a name for it, I talked about an LLM pipeline.

Hard to deny the impact AI has and will continue to have in the future, (OpenAI released a new model called o1, yesterday) and this was just one of many ideas and possible applications for AI models today.

I’ve clearly continued to think about that idea since I’ve only recently been working on my own AI pipeline implementation.

In hindsight, I was already on to something and should have followed it then, but doesn’t hurt to test out some other ideas first.

Hopefully by newsletter 100 I’ll have something you can test out!

Repurposing Live Streams

I dabbled in live streaming coding on YouTube and Twitch and I’m still thinking it’s something I’ll prioritize in the future, but it’s interesting to see that the idea has stuck with me for almost a year.

I talked about wanting to transcribe a stream back in December, and now I’ve finally done it.

Only took 9 months, or about 36 newsletters.

I’m still trying to live the dream of automating Gary and Alex’s advice to create 37 pieces of content a day, and transcribing live streams is a huge unlock for that dream.

It’s a big step in the right direction and who knows, maybe by newsletter 100, I’ll be automating 3 useful pieces of content per day.

With or Without You Energy

This one particular phrase from a 2 hour podcast I watched 6 months ago is a phrase I have referenced and thought about regularly since, even told someone about it last week.

It’s a super simple but powerful approach to nearly everything, a straightforward way to broadcast confidence, get things done, and potentially get others involved.

I think it will be pivotal for the lead-capture phase of any business.

I’m looking forward to using “with or without you” energy when I’m ready to take on more clients again.

Exploding Your Brand

I’ve watched a lot of Alex Hormozi’s videos but this one really was a moment of clarity.

It’s a tactic that made sense.

If you have the skill and no audience, partner with someone that has an audience, but is missing the skill.

There’s an even trade of time invested, just time invested in different efforts.

It’s a primary inspiration for my current approach.

I’ll create the tools to build a brand, demonstrating the skill, then find some partners that would benefit from that skill, but also have the audience to spread awareness.

This may be one of the few legitimate shortcuts to an overnight business explosion.

It makes sense in theory, but I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes in practice.

Whole-Body Calling and the Right Audience

This issue in May had 2 big ideas that I’ve been concentrating on.

First, Matt Gray’s suggestion for simplifying a business.

He recommends finding your Whole-Body calling and making sure your business aligns with that.

In plain words - it just feels right.

Don’t jump into something because it sounds like it makes a lot of money.

Do it because you know you would enjoy it or would be passionate about it or would want to continue doing it for a long time.

I’ve been doing my best to pay more attention to whole-body calling’s and leveraging my specific knowledge recently because I think this is really powerful advice.

And another idea from this same newsletter is finding the right audience.

Alex Hormozi played the influencer game, creating a huge audience on YouTube and other socials, but realized that a much more effective business approach is to create content that is specifically helpful to high-value clients, rather than entertaining a massive audience.

Last week, James Smith, a YouTuber I’ve enjoyed watching the last few months, made a video about the same concept.

Smith’s giving up the growth game on YouTube and is instead, focusing on targeted, useful business videos for potential clients.

Unless your goal is to be bigger than Mr. Beast, there’s really no reason to chase huge numbers - chase quality numbers instead.

And that quality should match your whole-body calling 😉


An extra section to say thank you!

It’s been 50 issues and I usually average about 5 opens on these so I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to check them, even if you’re clicking on them to empty your inbox, thanks for being a subscriber and thanks for checking it out.

I enjoy writing them so hopefully you enjoy reading them, and maybe even learn a thing or two.

Let me know if you have any recommendations or improvements for the next 50!

And that’s it for 50 weeks! Kept it short to highlight some of the past, but plenty was cut from this, plenty more to talk about.

Those are the ideas that stuck with me throughout the last year!

If you want to start a newsletter like this on beehiiv and support me in the process, here’s my referral link: Otherwise, let me know what you think at @jaypetersdotdev or email [email protected], I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks for reading!